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  Записей вокала к песне: 1      
ilgisinger ilgisinger
Баллов: 18


Could it be the little things you do to me 
feelings that I'm feeling are so new to me 
I'm going through so many changes 
nothing ever felt as strange as 
how my heart goes crazy when you look at me 

When I'm with you it's paradise 
No place on earth could feel so nice 
Through the crystal waterfall I hear you call 
Just take my hand it's paradise 
You kiss me once I'll kiss you twice 
As I gaze into your eyes i realize it's paradise 
Ooohhh yea 

Now I know the sweetest dreams can all come true 
Cuz I found heaven here on earth when I found you 
Its nothing I can ever make up 
oh I hope I never wake up 
just to find this isn't true reality 

When I'm with you it's paradise 
No place on earth could feel so nice 
Through the crystal waterfall I hear you call 
Just take my hand its paradise 
You kiss me once I'll kiss you twice 
As I gaze into your eyes I realize it's paradise 

The world around us dissapears without a trace 
Telling me that I have found the perfect place 
Let us stay this way forever deep in love 
and may I never 
spend another day wout you close to me 

Ohhh Paradise 
Yea yea yea yea yea 

Just take my hand it's paradise 
you kiss me once I'll kiss you twice 
as I gaze into your eyes I realize it's paradise 

Just take my hand it's paradise 
you kiss me once I'll kiss you twice 
as I gaze into your eyes I realize it's paradise 

As I gaze into your eyes I realize it's paradise 
oh yea 
oh (it's paradise) 

Could it be the little things you do to me 
feelings that I'm feeling are so new to me 
I'm going through so many changes 
nothing ever felt as strange as 
how my heart goes crazy when you look at me 

When I'm with you it's paradise 
No place on earth could feel so nice 
Through the crystal waterfall I hear you call 
Just take my hand it's paradise 
You kiss me once I'll kiss you twice 
As I gaze into your eyes i realize it's paradise 
Ooohhh yea 

Now I know the sweetest dreams can all come true 
Cuz I found heaven here on earth when I found you 
Its nothing I can ever make up 
oh I hope I never wake up 
just to find this isn't true reality 

When I'm with you it's paradise 
No place on earth could feel so nice 
Through the crystal waterfall I hear you call 
Just take my hand its paradise 
You kiss me once I'll kiss you twice 
As I gaze into your eyes I realize it's paradise 

The world around us dissapears without a trace 
Telling me that I have found the perfect place 
Let us stay this way forever deep in love 
and may I never 
spend another day wout you close to me 

Ohhh Paradise 
Yea yea yea yea yea 

Just take my hand it's paradise 
you kiss me once I'll kiss you twice 
as I gaze into your eyes I realize it's paradise 

Just take my hand it's paradise 
you kiss me once I'll kiss you twice 
as I gaze into your eyes I realize it's paradise 

As I gaze into your eyes I realize it's paradise 
oh yea 
oh (it's paradise) 

Could it be the little things you do to me 
feelings that I'm feeling are so new to me 
I'm going through so many changes 
nothing ever felt as strange as 
how my heart goes crazy when you look at me 

When I'm with you it's paradise 
No place on earth could feel so nice 
Through the crystal waterfall I hear you call 
Just take my hand it's paradise 
You kiss me once I'll kiss you twice 
As I gaze into your eyes i realize it's paradise 
Ooohhh yea 

Now I know the sweetest dreams can all come true 
Cuz I found heaven here on earth when I found you 
Its nothing I can ever make up 
oh I hope I never wake up 
just to find this isn't true reality 

When I'm with you it's paradise 
No place on earth could feel so nice 
Through the crystal waterfall I hear you call 
Just take my hand its paradise 
You kiss me once I'll kiss you twice 
As I gaze into your eyes I realize it's paradise 

The world around us dissapears without a trace 
Telling me that I have found the perfect place 
Let us stay this way forever deep in love 
and may I never 
spend another day wout you close to me 

Ohhh Paradise 
Yea yea yea yea yea 

Just take my hand it's paradise 
you kiss me once I'll kiss you twice 
as I gaze into your eyes I realize it's paradise 

Just take my hand it's paradise 
you kiss me once I'll kiss you twice 
as I gaze into your eyes I realize it's paradise 

As I gaze into your eyes I realize it's paradise 
oh yea 
oh (it's paradise) 
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20 tom2009
Дни сентября
Караченцов Николай
Я люблю тебя до слез
Серов Александр
16 oLia
Осенний поцелуй
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10 ViktorP51
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Добронравов Александр
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7 leopold
Я верю, что беда
Державин Андрей
4 Sergey8
Whataya Want From Me
Adam Lambert
4 weter777
А собственно кто ты такая
Азаров Игорь

Небо придумало женщину
Прянов Дмитрий
Ты - судьба моя
Вревская Ольга
Прости за боль
Вершинина Влада

Налетели вдруг дожди
Мулерман Вадим
Неизвестные исполнители
Я люблю тебя до слез
Серов Александр
А собственно кто ты такая
Азаров Игорь
Твое тепло
Колюха Игорь
Все пройдет
Боярский Михаил
Whataya Want From Me
Adam Lambert
Фадеев Максим
Я верю, что беда
Державин Андрей
Осенний поцелуй
Пугачева Алла
Фокстрот любви
Келеберда Александр
Дни сентября
Караченцов Николай
Бульварный роман
Добронравов Александр
Metal Scent
Плачет девушка в автомате
Осин Евгений
Холод одиночества
Я стою никому не нужен
Дворовые песни
Моя хорошая
Круг Ирина
Осенняя мелодия
Рузавина и Таюшев
Ветер в голове
Трофимов Сергей

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